A downloadable asset pack

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This its a simple free animated Wizard pack for your game projects.


  • Idle - 4 frames
  • Run - 8  frames
  • Jump - 2  frames
  • Fall - 2 frames
  • Attack1 - 8 frames
  • Attack2 - 8 frames
  • Hit - 4 frames
  • Death - 7 frames

This package can be used freely and commercially - CC0(creative commons zero).

Credits are not required but I would appreciate it.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(37 total ratings)
Tags2D, Character Customization, Fantasy, Medieval, Pixel Art, Sprites, Wizards
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Wizard Pack.zip 68 kB


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love it

Hi, I absolutely love your characters, however I've noticed that some packs are of different resolution, and will not work together.

Are there some sort of grouping for the characters especially for a paid ones, to know which will be in the same scale/resolution ? 

Look amazing. Can I use your asset as part of a game creation video course?

(1 edit)

Thanks, yes you can use it

Deleted 106 days ago

Really good...

I will use this in my project and I also start a new enemy series. 

I plan to use it on the upcoming videos. Check it if you are intereseted!!!

Thank you, amazing asset!

Deleted post

muito bom, umas das melhores qualidades em sprites que eu ja vi, esta sendo muito util, mas teria como você fazer uma versão feminina?

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for this asset! After some edits he has become the MAIN CHARACTER in my new mobile game THE RISE OF ABELOTH! Download it for FREE and let me know what you think!




Your assets are crazily good ! After using this high quality free sprite, I'm now really looking forward to actually buy your assets. I have featured the character in my small game and have linked your page in the credit. Thanks again for the work.

(1 edit)

Thanks for this, the animations were great, I used it in my runner game here for learning: https://sleepyrocket.itch.io/wizard-runner. Take care!

Cool stuff, thank you for sharing the love :)!

(1 edit)

Hi, I am looking at using these for alerts, etc, on a Twitch Stream. I would like to ask if you are available to expand on this character, both with other move sets and emote style? Of course, I would be willing to pay for the expansions if you would do them. Thanks in advance!

For suggestions; sitting by a campfire with from idle animation, hitting with the staff as a melee weapon, clapping, thumbs up, reading the book, stretching. 

Hi, you can contact me at publiluizdemelo@gmail.com

Hi man! I really love your work it's amazing and using some of your work I'm making my first game. With out your sprite sheets it would now have been possible to create such a game. So, thanks a lot!

Hey friend! I just released my first game using this sprite as my main character and gave you credit. Thanks for creating him and for allowing me to use it to learn how to make a game.


I ended up creating quite an extensive edit of the sprite sheet and even broke out the book into his own sprite. If you're interested, I'm more than happy to give you the edited sprite sheet to include here.

Hi, I really liked your mage asset, I would like to ask if you can make 2 variations of mage colors for me, including animations. And if you can, how much money will it take?

You can contact me by publiluizdemelo@gmail.com

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can you make it a gif as well for each animation

This is such a high-quality asset! I credited you in my tower defense game (he's the hero!) and followed you for more in the future. 

If interested: https://stealthyshiroean.itch.io/last-stand

Thanks! This Pack is incredible. I used some of the Wizard animations on my game. You can check it out here: https://josueac.itch.io/


Can You Add A Crouch Animation

Hi please make the mega-pack for all the characters! I wish to buy all for once. thanks!

Não entendo muito das licenças, ele pode ser usado sem nenhuma restrição para projetos comerciais ?



thanks you saved my life


This is amazing and I used it in a free game!  https://jp00p.itch.io/cursed-commute


Thanks! You did a amazing work.

Amei muito o seu trabalho, gostaria de saber quantos Pixels X e quantos Pixels Y tem cada parte dos sheets por que quando eu recorto e passo as animações pro unity tá dando diferença e a animação buga


Muito obrigado! as dimensões são: largura - 231 e comprimento - 190 pixels

Hello, can this art be used in a commercial project?


Greetings! This work is REALLY amazing! would I be able to contact you to discuss making a certain sprite? Its for a game I'm working on. I want to use sprites that have been made specifically for my game. please let me know if you are interested. i have discord or an email. You can even email me for my number.

Discord: EnSea#5620

Email: design.impulse.beta@gmail.com

Incrível como você fez o jump com 2 frames só. Ficou muito expressivo :D
E o Attack 1, em contraste ficou bem suave. Maneiríssimo

Muito obrigado, nos frames do "Jump" e "Fall" o que muda e o movimento apenas da roupa ao vento, talvez não fique muito perceptível dependendo do tempo da subida e queda.

pode modificar para projetos comerciais

O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

tudo bem, pode sim

Mano do céu, que daora

Valeu mano

It can't be real. Awesome. 

Thank you!