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it is good 5star!

(1 edit)

Thanks for these assets, they are so cool! I used the goblin as one of the enemies in a small demo I made:

Thanks a lot!

Hi! Thank you so much for creating this Assets, I used this asset in my game and credited it in the game. Thanks!

Used one of these wonderful critters in a very underwhelming way for a college project which ive now recreated and uploaded here-
I almost feel bad relegating such a great lil guy to essentially a turret - will have to give them the use they deserve at a later date!

Thank you for these enemies! they are very cool, i used them for my game


Thank you so much for these enemies!  I used them in my new mobile game THE RISE OF ABELOTH! Download it for FREE and let me know what you think!



Great work! 👏👏

bom dia, irmão! entrei em análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas e tô fazendo um projeto para a prova final de POO, usando pygame. pode ser que eu esteja pedindo muito, mas gostaria de saber se é possivel vc me enviar uma imagem de alguns sprites seu, digo, não quero nenhum sprite completo, nenhuma animação, apenas uma simples imagem de alguns personagens. tenho o resto dessa semana e a outra para fazer o game e preciso de um simples pixel art para cada classe que vou ter no game (mago, guerreiro, arqueiro, clerigo, elfo, anao, enfim fora os inimigos) se vc me ajudasse com pelo menos UMA imagem dessas, eu ficaria grato, e fazia referência a vc no meu projetinho. Falta literalmente duas semanas e n tenho de aprender a fazer essas artes em tão pouco tempo.. espero não estar pedindo mt, e espero que possa me ajuda... <3
PS: segui vc no twitter, meu nome é Douglas, lá deve estar dougfsb.

Oioi! Tem um tempo já seu comentário, então não sei se encontrou algo ou mesmo se já passou a prova. Fazer artes assim é um pouco demorado (sei porque tento fazer as minhas), mas talvez alguns desses links ajudem. esqueleto guerreiro guerreira Talvez dê pra usar essa chapeuzinho vermelho como arqueira. Bom sucesso com seu curso! ~Henrique


I really like your assets, but I would like to ask if you could add an animation of the monsters back's and fronts, like if they were going up.

This is an incredible free pack! I used these monsters extensively in a short game built in Godot and they were seamless to implement. The animations are fantastic too, really I can't say enough good things. Thank you!

Thank you for this great asset, I used several creatures from this asset in my first try with Unity, a 2D platform prototype, check it out on youtube:

Thanks to your great assets, my first game was able to be completed. I've credited your name in the credits. The amount of support may be small, but it's my heartfelt gratitude. Please also come take a look at my game.

(1 edit)

dude your game looks badass, check out another game coming out called radio the universe!

thanks, nice work

hey there, I used your assets as the monsters for my game, great work

thanks ^^

(2 edits)

Used these in my first ever game, great assets!

Accreditation here:

Thanks for the awesome pack!! Used your skeleton in a game for the Lv.99 2023 Game Jam, check it out when you have the chance!


I used it in a 2D action.

Thank you for your wonderful work!

Hello, great assets, here's where I used them:

thanks my guy


Amazing work ! I am going to use this shroom mob in my game.

Hey, thanks for the art assets! I used the goblin and skeleton in a small game I just released ( The monster assets are really good, thanks again!

I used the eyeball monster in my new game, Pizza Redemption. Thanks yo!


i'm new to this is this free?

I used these guys but with pumpkin heads in a game jam, mentioned you in credits

Olá. Obrigado por disponibilizar esses personagens! É a primeira vez que uso o Itch. Você pode me dizer como criar o .gif a partir da imagem .png longa, com todas as poses?  E existe um jeito de deixá-lo maior sem perder tanto a qualidade? Muito obrigado. 

I participated in a GameJam with your asset and mentioned you in the game credits:

Do I use your sprites on my commercial Android game..?

Hi. Very nice job. I've used it in a game.
If you want to check it out here is the link

Thank you for that o/

Hi, I love your sprites! I'm making a platformer game with them right now. have you considered adding a jump (and maybe fall) animation? That would be awesome!

Great work! I'll be using these to save myself tons of time trying to create and animate every single creature in my game XD

Thanks to the author for this free asset, this asset helped me a lot for my first game.

Needs a password

Dude I love these, a few of your characters were a very close fit for what I wanted for my game, so I'm using them in the mockup artwork! And also in the prototype to save me time.  

Was a bit confused for a while until I poked around - maybe add a note that you need to download all 3 files and combine their contents together.  I figured I just needed the latest one - 1.3. Turns out it only has the attack anim. I thought that's all there was for the longest time until I came back here today to double check!

I will need to credit you in my tweets when I start posting GIFS of the prototype.  These are so useful.

Thank you for making this free. I don't know how I can thank you enough but I will fosho credit you for the game I am making.

I used your asset for an example project for HaxeFlixel. You can check it out here. Thank you very much for this awesome asset!

Hi there. I love your monsters and used them for a few frames in a  music video . Hope you like the use of your art. I've credited you in the description. Thank you for making them available to use. 

Very nice work, thanks for the credits!

In your account all projects have cool animations!Very good

cool! can you make an ice golem or a plant wizzard 

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